Apply Now: Heritage Fund

Apply Now: Heritage Fund

Name of Building Owner(Required)
Name of best contact person
Address of Building being applied for(Required)
Postal Address (if different from above)
What is the intended start date for these works(Required)
What is the intended finish date for these works
Please upload a picture of the building(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, gif, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Confirm upload of the following documents(Required)
    How did you hear about the Robert McGregor Heritage Fund(Required)
    Would you be willing to make your building available for use by Art Deco Trust during it's walking/driving tours of Napier and for promotional purposes?(Required)
    Signed by(Required)
    On behalf of

    Other funding opportunities

    The National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund, administered by Heritage New Zealand, provides financial incentives to encourage the conservation of nationally significant heritage places in private ownership. Priority is given to places of national significance which need conservation work and heritage places of national significance where consideration is planned and could be improved through extra funding. For more information please visit Heritage New Zealand’s website (link to external website, new window).